Arrangement and Procedures
The Health and Safety Officer, nominated Building Manager, is responsible for ensuring that the safety policy is carried out and that responsibilities for safety, health and welfare are properly assigned and accepted at all levels. His/her details and contact number will be displayed ……………………………
3.1.1 First Aid
· The current First Aider(s) for the premises is/are displayed (on the Notice Board in the Reception Area).
· First Aid Boxes are provided in the following location(s):
i) Reception (example)
ii) Kitchen (example)
3.1.2 Accidents
· In the event of an injury or illness, call for a member of staff or ring for an ambulance directly. To call an ambulance – dial 999 and ask for “ambulance”;
· All accidents must be reported to the Health and Safety Officer or another member of staff on duty immediately or as soon as practicable;
· All accidents must be entered on an accident form, available from the reception desk. The procedures for “notifiable” accidents as shown in Appendix A below must be followed;
· The Health and Safety Officer will investigate incidents and accidents, writing a detailed report to consider the actions necessary to prevent recurrence.
3.2.1 Fire Drills
· All workers, volunteers and students must know the fire procedures, position of fire appliances and escape routes.
· The fire alarm points, fire exits and emergency lighting system will be tested by The Health and Safety Officer (appointed by the Premises Manager) in accordance with the Company’s policy and procedures.
· The Fire Officer will arrange for Fire Drills and Fire Prevention Checks (see Appendix C below) to be carried out at least once every three months and entered in the log book. In addition, these Drills will be carried out at different times and on different days, so that all users/hirers know the procedures.
· The last person securing the premises will ensure Fire Prevention Close down Checks are made of all parts of the premises at the end of a session (See Appendix C).
3.2.2 In the event of fire
· Persons discovering a fire should sound the nearest alarm;
· The first duty of all workers is to evacuate all people from the building by the nearest exit immediately the fire is discovered;
· All persons must evacuate the building and, where possible without personal risk, leave all doors and windows closed;
· The assembly point for the building is at the CAR PARK.
· No-one should leave the assembly point without the permission of a member of staff;
· If any fire occurs, however minor, the Fire Brigade must be called immediately by dialling 999 and asking for “Fire”;
· When the Fire Brigade arrives advise whether all persons are accounted for and location of fire.
3.2.3 Bomb Warnings
· If you receive a warning try to find out from the caller:
i) The approximate location of the bomb and likely time of detonation;
ii) Whether the police and fire brigade have been notified;
· Notify the Police immediately on 999;
· DO NOT SOUND THE FIRE ALARM but evacuate the building taking into consideration any information form the bomb warning;
· Assemble in the CAR PARK unless the bomb warning implies otherwise.
3.2.4 Cleaning Materials, General Machinery and High Risk Areas
· All portable machinery must be switched off and unplugged when not in use;
· Wandering cables are a hazard; use with caution and safety in mind;
· Slippery floors and dangerous; use warning signs;
· All thoroughfares, exits and gates must be left clear at all times;
· Corridors and fire exits must not be blocked by furniture or equipment;
· Vehicles must not be parked near to the building so as to cause any obstruction or hazard;
· Hazards or suspected hazards or other health and safety matters should be reported to the Health and Safety Officer or the staff member on duty immediately or as soon as practicable, so that action can be taken. If the hazard is of a serious nature, immediate action must be taken to protect or clear the area to prevent injury to staff or other users.
PART FOUR-Appendices
1. Accidents
All accidents which occur during work for the Organisation and/or for the User/Hirer, or on premises under the control of the Organisation must be recorded.
2. Accidents to Workers or Contractor’s Staff
For ALL Accidents
Complete Accident Form and give to Health & Safety Officer
If accident results in fatality, fracture, amputation or other specified injury (see section 4, below) then immediately notify:
Health & Safety Executive on HSE’s Infoline Tel: 0845 345 0055
Follow up within seven days with completed online form F2508.
If a reportable accident involves a contractor’s employee and the premises are under the control of someone other than the contractor then the person in control of the premises is responsible for reporting the accident.
If a contractor’s employee is at work on premises under the control of the contractor then it is the contractor or someone acting on his/her behalf who is responsible for reporting the accident.
3. Accidents to Members of the Public
For ALL Accidents
Complete Accident Form and give to Health & Safety Officer
For accidents reportable to the Health & Safety Executive
If an accident results in fatality, fracture, amputation or other specified injury (see section 4 below) then immediately notify:
Health & Safety Executive, Incident Contact Centre, Caerphilly Business Park, Caerphilly, CF83 3GG
Some injuries may not be fully identified until the casualty has been to hospital. It is therefore essential that, if it is known that an individual has gone to hospital as a result of an accident, follow up action is carried out.
4. Definition of Specified Major Injuries or Conditions
5. Dangerous Occurrences
In the event of any of the following:
Notify the following immediately:
Health & Safety Executive, Incident Contact Centre, Caerphilly Business Park, Caerphilly, CF83 3GG HSE’s Infoline Tel: 0845 345 0055
6. Occupational Diseases
On receipt of a written diagnosis from a Doctor, report the disease using online form F2508A to:
Full details of Dangerous Occurrences and Occupational Diseases can be found in HSE RIDDOR Booklets 11 and 17.
1. Has the Fire brigade been consulted on (this is the responsibility of the Buildings Owner/s):
2. Is Fire Equipment properly looked after (this is the responsibility of the Buildings owner).
3. Are thorough close-down checks made of all parts of the premises at the end of an evening or session (this is the responsibility of the Buildings owner/s)?
4. Are all reasonable steps taken to prevent fires (this is the responsibility of the Buildings owner/s)?
1. Inspection (responsibility of Buildings owner/s).
A Health and Safety inspection of the building should be undertaken at least every six months. One of these inspections may be undertaken at the same time as the annual building maintenance check.
2. Risk Assessment Risk assessments relate to activities within the premises or grounds
We request that our Staff, Volunteers, Students and Visitors respect this Policy, a copy of which will be available on demand or on our website.
Signed………………............ Signed..............................................
(Directors of DS Counselling Training )